Maybe a Frigate (1980)

1980-05-05 (BG) AdventureFamily 1h 19m
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The major force in this story is the children - the group of mischievous girls and boys who can play all the time. They find an antique amphora at the bottom of the sea. Since there is an amphora, there must be a frigate. There is a mystery cave in which the captain goes empty handed and comes out with full packs. That is how the search begins. The children and the adults are passionate about it. Instead of a frigate, they find a truth: "We do not need much to have fun."

  1. Petar Kaishev


  2. Atanas Tzenev


Top Billed Cast

  1. Dossio Dossev

    Dossio Dossev


  2. Vasil Popov

    Vasil Popov


  3. Alexander Lilov


  4. Dimitar Panov

    Dimitar Panov

    Dyado Petko

  5. Nataliya Bardskaya

    Zhenata na profesora

  6. Sotir Maynolovski

    Sotir Maynolovski


Full Cast & Crew

Maybe a Frigate
Maybe a Frigate

Original Title Може би фрегата

Status Released

Original Language Bulgarian

Budget -

Revenue -


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