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Loose Screws (1985)

R 08/01/1985 (US) Comedy 1h 17m
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More fun than you can shake your stick at!


What happens when four high school screw-ups are forced to attend an academy summer school to graduate? They turn their scholastic sentence into a wacky game of trying to improve their scores... with the women. The ultimate conquest for the 100-point prize is the sexy new French teacher, but she proves to be a bigger challenge than their failing grades. The unforgiving principal foils every scheme, and their sidesplitting last chance is the academy's anniversary celebration.

  1. Rafal Zielinski


  2. Michael Cory


Top Billed Cast

  1. Bryan Genesse

    Bryan Genesse

    Brad Lovett

  2. Lance Van Der Kolk

    Steve Hardman

  3. Alan Deveau

    Hugh G. Rection

  4. Jason Warren

    Marvin Eatmore

  5. Cynthia Belliveau

    Mona Lott

  6. Mike MacDonald

    Mike MacDonald

    Principal Arsenault

  7. Karen Wood

    Gail Poulet

  8. Annie McAuley

    Annie McAuley

    Nikki Nystroke

  9. Liz Green

    Tracey Gratehead

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Loose Screws
Loose Screws

Status Released

Original Language English

Budget $945,000.00

Revenue -


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