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SheBorg (2016)

MA15+ 07/04/2016 (AU) Science FictionActionAdventureHorrorComedy 1h 30m
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Half alien. Half machine. Total bitch.


When an alien fugitive crash lands into a local puppy farm and begins turning people into machines that feed on puppy flesh, Dylan and her BFF Eddie have to decide whether or not to take on the SheBorg menace, and save the world.

  1. Daniel Armstrong

    Director, Writer

Top Billed Cast

  1. Kirsten Betts


  2. Joshua Black


  3. Maggie Chretien

    The Receptionist

  4. Kristen Condon

    Kristen Condon

    Constable Nobody Cares

  5. Claudine Dearn

    Extra- cyborg minion

  6. Whitney Duff


  7. Nathan Hill

    Nathan Hill

    Brad Plunderpants

  8. Jasy Holt

    Jasy Holt


  9. Jen Costello

    Jen X

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew


Original Title Sheborg Massacre

Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue -


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