Not Under the Jurisdiction (1969)

08/25/1969 (SU) Drama 1h 23m
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In a training flight, the Il-28 plane crashes. Shooter-radio operator Sorokin without an order leaves the plane, lands first and writes a denunciation to the pilot Yegorov. Yegorov has to leave military service, his beloved girlfriend Nadya is leaving him. Sixteen years have passed since then. Nadya is married to the slanderer Sorokin and brings up a son with him who doesn't know who his real father is. One day, the whole family ends up on an airplane controlled by Yegorov. Clarification of relations leads to a belated triumph of truth, which affects all heroes: one destroys, the other exalts, in the third instills hope...

  1. Vladimir Krasnopolskiy


  2. Valeriy Uskov


  3. Lev Yushchenko


  4. Konstantin Isayev


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Not Under the Jurisdiction
Not Under the Jurisdiction

Original Title Неподсуден

Status Released

Original Language Russian

Budget -

Revenue -


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