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The Journey: Mother Ocean (2016)

R 12/03/2016 (US) Documentary 52m
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Famous and talented feature film director and scriptwriter Jan Kounen plunges the viewer into a unique and thrilling adventure of pregnancy, birth, and baby’s first swim, alongside marine creatures. Leina Sato is a Japanese professional free diver and is expecting her first child. Her partner, Jean-Marie Ghislain is a famous underwater photographer. They share a passion for the oceans, and believe that a strong bond between a mother-to-be and cetaceans exists. And they want to prove it. Leina will be multiplying her encounters with whales, dolphins and other underwater mammals. Mother Ocean is the incredible encounter between humans and under water species, around the universal question of giving birth and the power of creating life.

  1. Jan Kounen


  2. Anne Paris


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The Journey: Mother Ocean
The Journey: Mother Ocean

Original Title The Journey: Mère Océan

Status Released

Original Language French

Budget -

Revenue -


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