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Legend of the Demon Cat (2017)

12/22/2017 (CN) FantasyAdventureFamily 2h 9m
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Love. Death. Revenge.


During the Late Tang Dynasty, a manor is invaded by a demon cat and a sense of unrest befalls the capital of Changan. A poet is charged with investigating the case and meets up with a monk. The two work together and pull apart the thread of clues to reveal a history of truths leading to the events.

  1. Chen Kaige

    Director, Writer

  2. Baku Yumemakura


  3. Wang Huiling


Top Billed Cast

  1. Huang Xuan

    Huang Xuan

    Bai Letian

  2. Shota Sometani

    Shota Sometani


  3. Hiroshi Abe

    Hiroshi Abe

    Abe Nakamaro

  4. Kitty Zhang Yuqi

    Kitty Zhang Yuqi


  5. Qin Hao

    Qin Hao

    Chen Yunqiao

  6. Zhang Tian'ai

    Zhang Tian'ai

    Huji Yulian

  7. Keiko Matsuzaka

    Keiko Matsuzaka

    Bai Ling

  8. Liu Haoran

    Liu Haoran

    Bai Long

  9. Sandrine Pinna

    Sandrine Pinna

    Yang Guifei

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Legend of the Demon Cat
Legend of the Demon Cat

Original Title 妖猫传

Status Released

Original Language Chinese

Budget -

Revenue -


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