My Old Man's Place (1971)

06/29/1971 (US) WarDrama 1h 33m
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His love was hate, his passion was violence


Two soldiers return from Vietnam with serious PTSD. They decide to go for a couple of days to a peaceful farm owned by the father of one of the men. A psychotic sergeant who also did tours in Nam, joins them. Personalities clash hard.

  1. Edwin Sherin


  2. Stanford Whitmore


Top Billed Cast

  1. Arthur Kennedy

    Arthur Kennedy

    Walter Pell

  2. Mitchell Ryan

    Mitchell Ryan

    Sgt. Martin Flood

  3. William Devane

    William Devane

    Jimmy Pilgrim

  4. Michael Moriarty

    Michael Moriarty

    Trubee Pell

  5. Topo Swope

    Topo Swope


  6. Lloyd Gough

    Lloyd Gough

    Dr. Paul

  7. Ford Rainey

    Ford Rainey

    Sheriff Coleman

  8. Peter Donat

    Peter Donat

    Car Salesman

  9. Sandra Vacey

    Darlene Pilgrim

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

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Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue -


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