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The Unsinkable Molly Brown (1964)

NR 06/11/1964 (US) Comedy 2h 8m
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The buoyant Molly Brown has survived the first crisis of her life—a flood. Sixteen years later she sets out to make her way in the world. She assures the Leadville saloon keeper that she can sing and play the piano, and learns quickly. Soon she marries Johnny Brown, who in a few years will be able to replace the original cigar wrapper wedding ring with a replica in gold and gemstones. The Browns head for Europe and bring a few crowned heads back to Denver for a party that turns into a ballroom brawl. Molly goes to Europe alone, returning on the Titanic. She didn't survive a flood as a baby for the story to end here.

  1. Charles Walters


  2. Helen Deutsch


  3. Richard Morris


Top Billed Cast

  1. Debbie Reynolds

    Debbie Reynolds

    Molly Brown

  2. Harve Presnell

    Harve Presnell

    Johnny Brown

  3. Ed Begley

    Ed Begley

    Shamus Tobin

  4. Jack Kruschen

    Jack Kruschen

    Christmas Morgan

  5. Hermione Baddeley

    Hermione Baddeley

    Buttercup Grogan

  6. Vassili Lambrinos

    Vassili Lambrinos

    Prince Louis de Laniere

  7. Fred Essler

    Fred Essler

    Baron Karl Ludwig von Ettenburg

  8. Harvey Lembeck

    Harvey Lembeck


  9. Lauren Gilbert

    Mr. Fitzgerald

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

The Unsinkable Molly Brown
The Unsinkable Molly Brown

Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue $11,070,559.00


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