Tough Love (2000)

10/01/2000 (GB) DramaCrimeThriller 2h 18m
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A friendship tested, a trust betrayed


DC Lenny Milton (Winstone) is not as ambitious as his best friend and popular boss DCI Michael Love (Dunbar), but the pair are drinking partners and their wives and children are close. However, this goes very wrong over the space of 7 days, when Milton is approached by the police complaints division asking him to go undercover and investigate allegations of corruption against his friend. Milton finds this difficult at first and tries to dismiss the evidence building up. But as his suspicions begin to take shape his position appears to be in danger.

  1. David Drury


  2. Edward Canfor-Dumas


Top Billed Cast

  1. Ray Winstone

    Ray Winstone

    DC Lenny Milton

  2. Adrian Dunbar

    Adrian Dunbar

    DCI Mike Love

  3. David Hayman

    David Hayman

    Barry Hindes

  4. Sally Dexter

    Sally Dexter

    Helen Love

  5. Hazel Ellerby

    Mags Milton

  6. Annabelle Apsion

    Annabelle Apsion

    DI Karen Irving

  7. Sophie Stanton

    Sophie Stanton

    DS Denise Wright

  8. George Anton

    George Anton

    DI Donald Parkin

  9. Vincent Friell

    Vincent Friell

    DC Kevin Hughes

  10. View More

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Status Released

Original Language English

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