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Camera Buff (1979)

12 10/03/1980 (US) Drama 1h 52m
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Filip buys an 8mm movie camera when his first child is born. Because it's the first camera in town, he's named official photographer by the local Party boss. His horizons widen when he is sent to regional film festivals with his first works but his focus on movie making also leads to domestic strife and philosophical dilemmas.

  1. Krzysztof Kieślowski

    Director, Screenplay

Top Billed Cast

  1. Jerzy Stuhr

    Jerzy Stuhr

    Filip Mosz

  2. Małgorzata Ząbkowska

    Irka Mosz

  3. Ewa Pokas

    Ewa Pokas

    Anna Włodarczyk

  4. Stefan Czyżewski


  5. Jerzy Nowak

    Jerzy Nowak

    Stanisław Osuch

  6. Tadeusz Bradecki

    Tadeusz Bradecki

    Witek Jachowicz

  7. Marek Litewka

    Marek Litewka

    Piotrek Krawczyk

  8. Bogusław Sobczuk

    Bogusław Sobczuk


  9. Krzysztof Zanussi

    Krzysztof Zanussi


  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Camera Buff
Camera Buff

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