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Spring Symphony (1983)

6 06/27/1986 (US) Music 1h 43m
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"Spring Symphony" is the story of Robert Schumann and Clara Wieck. Both were music entities. Robert Schumann turns out to have been a second tier composer, if that, never rising to the heights of a Beethoven or Mozart. In contrast, Clara Wieck was a master technician in the playing of the piano, a composer (probably not at Schumann's level), and was a child prodigy.

  1. Peter Schamoni

    Director, Writer

Top Billed Cast

  1. Herbert Grönemeyer

    Herbert Grönemeyer

    Robert Schumann

  2. Nastassja Kinski

    Nastassja Kinski

    Clara Wieck

  3. Rolf Hoppe

    Rolf Hoppe

    Friedrich Wieck

  4. Marie Colbin

    Marie Colbin

    Dame in Paris

  5. André Heller

    André Heller

    Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy

  6. Margit Geissler

    Margit Geissler


  7. Edda Seippel

    Edda Seippel

    Mutter Schumann

  8. Bernhard Wicki

    Bernhard Wicki

    Baron von Fricken

  9. Friedrich W. Bauschulte


  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Spring Symphony
Spring Symphony

Original Title Frühlingssinfonie

Status Released

Original Language German

Budget -

Revenue -


Content Score 


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