Über Chip und Chap: Die Ritter des Rechts diskutieren

Peter Pan's villainy is due to aging badly (ignoring the ethics of exploiting Bobby Driscoll's personal tragedy for now) but other toons haven't aged, a lost boy even appears looking the same. If Peter were aging, he would be in his eighties, not middle-aged. Peter has a machine that alters a toon's physical appearance, "CGI surgery" is a thing, and Chip just fixes his ear by pulling on it. Also, does J.M. Barrie exist in this universe? Was "Pete" a toon actor cast as a character from Barrie's work or was he always "Peter Pan" even before that? Do animators exist? Was he born or drawn?

Why is Ugly Sonic a separate character from his redesign? Shouldn't that have been a "CGI surgery?" Or was there just a better-looking blue hedgehog out there?

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