Gli insoliti ignoti (2003)

01/23/2003 (IT) ComedyTV Movie 1h 35m
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  1. Antonello Grimaldi


  2. Walter Lupo


  3. Luca Rossi


Top Billed Cast

  1. Valerio Mastandrea

    Valerio Mastandrea

    Cosimo Spadoni

  2. Marco Giallini

    Marco Giallini

    Ruggero Di Fiore

  3. Pierfrancesco Favino

    Pierfrancesco Favino

    Commissario Piero Cucciolla

  4. Carlotta Natoli

    Carlotta Natoli

    Marisa Cattaneo

  5. Alberto Gimignani

    Alberto Gimignani


  6. Ines Nobili

    Ines Nobili

    Elena Cucciolla

  7. Paolo Ferrari

    Paolo Ferrari

    Marchese Caspani

  8. Marco Puglia

    Pino Spadoni

  9. Noemi Garramone

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Gli insoliti ignoti
Gli insoliti ignoti

Status Released

Original Language Italian

Budget -

Revenue -


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