Stalin's Couch (2016)

U 01/11/2017 (FR) Drama 1h 32m
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Set in the 1950s Soviet Union, centers on a young artist who is commissioned to create Stalin's monument and must go through KGB scrutiny.

  1. Fanny Ardant

    Director, Writer

  2. Jean-Daniel Baltassat


Top Billed Cast

  1. Gérard Depardieu

    Gérard Depardieu

    Joseph Staline

  2. Emmanuelle Seigner

    Emmanuelle Seigner


  3. Paul Hamy

    Paul Hamy


  4. François Chattot

    François Chattot

    Le général Vlassik

  5. Tudor Aaron Istodor

    Tudor Aaron Istodor


  6. Xavier Maly

    Xavier Maly


  7. Luna Picoli-Truffaut

    Luna Picoli-Truffaut


  8. Alexis Manenti

    Alexis Manenti


  9. Miguel Monteiro

    Miguel Monteiro

    L'homme aux gants

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Stalin's Couch
Stalin's Couch

Original Title Le Divan de Staline

Status Released

Original Language French

Budget -

Revenue -


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