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Kati Kati (2016)

12 01/06/2017 (US) DramaFantasy 1h 15m
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Her End Is Just The Beginning


Bereft of earthly memories, a new arrival in the afterlife struggles to recover the past, in this poetic fantasy that offers a dark reflection on personal atonement in the shadow of Kenya’s violent past. Imagine waking up one day in a barren wasteland. Amnesia leaves you clueless as to your whereabouts, your identity, and how you arrived. A small group of strangers welcomes you to a nearby oasis resort, and they reveal to you the nature of this new reality. You are dead. And this is the afterlife. This is what happens to Kaleche (Nyokabi Gethaiga) in the enigmatic opening sequence of Kati Kati, writer-director Mbithi Masya's poetic first feature film.

  1. Mbithi Masya

    Director, Writer

  2. Mugambi Nthiga


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Kati Kati
Kati Kati

Status Released

Original Language Swahili

Budget -

Revenue -


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