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Walking Dead In The West (2016)

15 08/22/2016 (US) FantasyHorrorWestern 1h 28m
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A new frontier in fear


The Arizona Territory, the 1870's. Marshal Frank Wilcox, along with a Buffalo Soldier from the U.S. Army, must galvanize a group of survivors to fight back when the living dead rise and seek the flesh of the living. It's a world gone mad and a battle against the unthinkable. Joined by an Apache Chief and an outlaw prisoner, the group must learn how to survive in a time where the dead walk.

  1. Paul Winters

    Director, Writer

  2. Gahan Wilson


Top Billed Cast

  1. Jarod Anderson

    George Rivers

  2. Greg Bronson

    Greg Bronson

    Preacher Black

  3. Kiera Crouch

    Becky Miller

  4. Matt E. Derdivanis

    Josh Winston

  5. Efrain Escudero

    Hector Ruiz

  6. Mark Grossman

    Mark Grossman


  7. Sam Keller

    Sam Keller

Full Cast & Crew

Walking Dead In The West
Walking Dead In The West

Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue -


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