Tagebuch einer Verliebten (1953)

10/18/1953 (DE) Comedy 1h 33m
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In South Tirol, shortly after ww-ii: Paul and Barbara Holzmann and their son Charlie own a small gasoline station. At their wedding anniversary, of all days, Barbara finds proof that Paul may again have cheated on her. At first she believes his explanations, but when she finds more proof later, she leaves and seeks comfort in the arms of her former friend Nicola in Italy. The story is told from the perspective of her diary.

  1. Josef von Báky


  2. Dina Melken


  3. Johannes Mario Simmel


  4. K.P. Gillmann


  5. Emil Burri


Top Billed Cast

  1. Maria Schell

    Maria Schell

    Barbara Holzmann

  2. O.W. Fischer

    O.W. Fischer

    Paul Holzmann

  3. Margarete Haagen

    Margarete Haagen

    „Oma Sanitätsrat“

  4. Ernst Schröder

    Ernst Schröder

    Dr. Hugendübel

  5. Erna Sellmer

    Erna Sellmer

    Frau Bumke

  6. Willy Reichert

    Willy Reichert


  7. Hermann Pfeiffer

    Hermann Pfeiffer


Full Cast & Crew

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Status Released

Original Language German

Budget -

Revenue -


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