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Fragments of Love (2016)

04/15/2016 (PR) RomanceDrama 1h 30m
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the greatest perversion of love is wanting to know everything


Rodrigo, a piano-tuner and former composer fallen on hard times, begins a love affair with the soon-to-be-married Susana. When a bomb in the city of Medellín nearly kills them, Rodrigo and Susana surrender to their attraction and fall into each other’s arms. Cocooned in her apartment above the vibrant city, Susana opens up to him every night and tells him a story of each of the different men from her past. Her stories inspire him to compose again, but his obsession makes him jealous and paranoid. When Susana finally leaves her fiancée to be with Rodrigo, he becomes obsessed with her fidelity.

  1. Fernando Vallejo

    Director, Writer

  2. Héctor Abad Faciolince


  3. Laura Duque


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Fragments of Love
Fragments of Love

Original Title Fragmentos de amor

Status Released

Original Language Spanish; Castilian

Budget -

Revenue -


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