Guilty? (1956)

04/10/1956 (FR) Drama 1h 33m
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Convinced that a wartime resistance heroine is innocent of a murder charge, Nap Rumbold, a solicitor / private detective travels to France searching for evidence to clear her name.

  1. Edmond T. Gréville


  2. Michael Gilbert


  3. Maurice J. Wilson


Top Billed Cast

  1. Andrée Debar

    Andrée Debar

    Vicki Martin

  2. Barbara Laage

    Barbara Laage

    Jaqueline Delbois

  3. Stephen Murray

    Stephen Murray


  4. John Justin

    John Justin

    Nap Rumbold

  5. Donald Wolfit

    Donald Wolfit


  6. Norman Wooland

    Norman Wooland


  7. Kynaston Reeves

    Kynaston Reeves

    Colonel Wright

  8. Betty Stockfeld

    Betty Stockfeld

    Mrs. Roper

  9. Hugh Morton

    Hugh Morton

    Rumbold Senior

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

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Status Released

Original Language English

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