Mike Brant: Laisse moi t'aimer (2003)

05/24/2003 (FR) DocumentaryMusic 1h 42m
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Based on the real-life death of Mike Brant, who reluctantly became a foreign singing sensation during the 1960s and '70s. Born in a displaced person's camp in Cyprus, the then-named Moshe Brand grew up in a working-class environment, occasionally making time to entertain at weddings, bar mitzvahs, and, eventually, nightclubs both at home and abroad. When Sylvie and Carlos Varton saw one of his performances, they whisked him off to Paris and saw to it that his career took off. Though he was an almost instant success, he is believed to have committed suicide at the age of 28. This film features rare interviews with family, friends, and colleagues, as well as footage from home movies, television appearances, and radio recordings.

  1. Erez Laufer


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Original Title Mike Brant : Laisse-moi t'aimer

Status Released

Original Language French

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