Dark Blue Almost Black (2006)

15 03/24/2006 (US) DramaRomance 1h 45m
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Jorge is a young man whose plans for the future are put on hold when his father has a stroke. For seven years, he diligently nurses his father and works as a janitor while studying part time to get a business degree. When Natalia, his childhood crush, returns from a stint studying abroad, Jorge begins to yearn for something better. He is desperate to find a new and better job, but finds that no one will hire him because he has experience only as a janitor. Antonio, Jorge’s older brother, soon to be released from jail, is an opportunist who has never gotten along with their father. In prison, at a theater workshop, Antonio meets Paula, a beautiful young woman in jail on drug charges. Paula has a problem because she flirted with another inmate's boyfriend.

  1. Daniel Sánchez Arévalo

    Director, Screenplay

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Dark Blue Almost Black
Dark Blue Almost Black

Original Title AzulOscuroCasiNegro

Status Released

Original Language Spanish; Castilian

Budget -

Revenue -


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