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Crossing the Line (2002)

07/15/2002 (US) FamilyComedyDramaTV Movie 1h 31m
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... between winning it and losing it.


A former basketball star moves to a small town to assistant coach for a high school championship-winning basketball team.

  1. Graeme Clifford


  2. Bridget Terry


  3. Susanna Styron


Top Billed Cast

  1. Terry Farrell

    Terry Farrell

    Laura Mosbach

  2. Adrian Pasdar

    Adrian Pasdar

    Eric Harrison

  3. Sumela Kay

    Sumela Kay

    Carly Harrison

  4. Sherry Miller

    Sherry Miller

    Jennifer Blackstone

  5. Barry Flatman

    Barry Flatman

    Jerry Blackstone

  6. Mishu Vellani

    Mishu Vellani


Full Cast & Crew

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Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue -


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