Matías, juez de línea (1996)

APTA 04/12/1996 (ES) Comedy 1h 34m
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Matias is a soccer referee. He promised his dying mother never to lie. When he referees a match of the spanish national team and there is a clear penalty against Spain in the last minute of the game he has no choice and marks the foul. As a result Spain does not qualify for the world championship and Matias is forced to escape from the rage of the people. He hides in the town of his father which he hasn't visited since his childhood.

  1. Santiago Aguilar

    Director, Screenplay

  2. Luis Guridi

    Director, Screenplay

Top Billed Cast

  1. Carlos de Gabriel

    Carlos de Gabriel

    Matías, el juez de línea

  2. Ramón Barea

    Ramón Barea

    Tomás "El Pellejo", el padre

  3. Alicia Sánchez

    Alicia Sánchez

    La patrona

  4. Francisco Algora

    Francisco Algora

    Metralla, el lugarteniente

  5. Manuel Manquiña

    Manuel Manquiña

    Don Aurelio, el párroco

  6. Álex Angulo

    Álex Angulo

    Eliseo, el alcalde

  7. Sonia Jávaga

    Sonia Jávaga

    Elvirita, la hija

  8. Antonio Durán 'Morris'

    Antonio Durán 'Morris'

    Lázaro, el carpintero

  9. Bruto Pomeroy

    Bruto Pomeroy

    Benito, el mecánico

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Full Cast & Crew

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Status Released

Original Language Spanish; Castilian

Budget -

Revenue -


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