Über Moonlight diskutieren

Not sure if it deserved Best Picture or not, but here is my review of this film. It will require several rewatches. https://thefilmmeister.com/2017/03/14/moonlight-review/

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@hucko003 said:

Not sure if it deserved Best Picture or not, but here is my review of this film. It will require several rewatches. https://thefilmmeister.com/2017/03/14/moonlight-review/

Several re-watches? I think not. Once was enough.

I got the DVD and listening to the commentary by the director helped me appreciate the movie even more. It's almost an art house film -- a lot is "said" by the expressions on the actors faces -- especially the 3 actors who played Chiron. I agree -- interesting and BEAUTIFUL piece of work.

@Angel8080 said:

I got the DVD and listening to the commentary by the director helped me appreciate the movie even more. It's almost an art house film -- a lot is "said" by the expressions on the actors faces -- especially the 3 actors who played Chiron. I agree -- interesting and BEAUTIFUL piece of work.

That's actually what I did enjoy about the movie. The sexual tention conveyed by Trevante Rhodes and Andre Holland was almost palpitable. I contribute that to the director. If anything the best director Oscar should have gone to the director of this film, Barry Jenkins instead of the director of that awful musical, La La Land.

This was one of those movies that transcends race and sexuality. It tells a very human story of feeling different and out of place while at the same time highlighting those obstacles that that make it so hard. I watch a lot of movies during the year and of the films nominated, this one absolutely deserved it.

I'm trying to go for an engaging, funny youtube channel so, if you have the time, take a look. Hope you enjoy what you see. Thanks in advance. https://youtu.be/mfTEbJWweOk

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