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The graduation ceremony of their son Max is no longer a big excitement for Sabine and Bernd Schröder - after all, they have already successfully brought two older sons through high school. Nonetheless, when the youngest offspring moves out, a new chapter in life begins: They finally have plenty of time for each other and common dreams. At least that's the beautiful theory. Sabine and Bernd have to face the truth: unnoticed by the hustle and bustle of the family, they have drifted apart. Where the offspring once provided common ground, there is suddenly a yawning emptiness. The fact that other couples feel the same way after their children have moved out gives little consolation. And while Bernd continues to bury his head in the sand and hopes for the success of the "sit out" principle, Sabine gets serious. She gives Bernd an ultimatum. Because one thing is clear to them: just continuing like this is out of the question.

  1. Josh Broecker


  2. Nina Bohlmann


Top Billed Cast

  1. Ann-Kathrin Kramer

    Ann-Kathrin Kramer

    Sabine Schröder

  2. Harald Krassnitzer

    Harald Krassnitzer

    Bernd Schröder

  3. Patrick Mölleken

    Patrick Mölleken

    Jan Schröder

  4. Walter Sittler

    Walter Sittler

    Matthias Winter

  5. Susanna Simon

    Susanna Simon

    Tanja Winter

  6. Anna Schudt

    Anna Schudt

    Katrin Busche

  7. Oliver Mommsen

    Oliver Mommsen

    Daniel Busche

  8. Sven Gielnik

    Sven Gielnik


  9. Christina Große

    Christina Große

    Dr. Merz

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

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Status Released

Original Language German

Budget -

Revenue -


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