The Little Match Girl (1999)

10/20/1999 (CA) Animation 50m
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The Little Match Girl


Three-time Caldecott Honor artist Jerry Pinkney brings new relevance to the classic Hans Christian Andersen story The wintry streets of an American city are thronged with shoppers, in preparation for New Year's Eve. But no one is interested in buying the matches and artificial flowers offered by one little girl. Wishing to avoid the cold welcome awaiting her at home, she lights her matches for what little heat they can provide. The visions that she sees in their flickering glow warm her spirit, even as the brutal cold of night destroys her body.

  1. Phil Littler


  2. Sylvain Marotte


Top Billed Cast

  1. Lawrence Arcouette

    Lawrence Arcouette

    Ben (voice)

  2. Jean Besré

    William - old (voice)

  3. Macha Grenon

    Macha Grenon

    Adriana (voice)

  4. Marina Orsini

    Marina Orsini

    Nana (voice)

Full Cast & Crew

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Status Released

Original Language English

Budget $500.00

Revenue -


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