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One of Us (2015)

12 03/16/2018 (DE) Drama 1h 26m
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A huge supermarket is the only social meeting point for the inhabitants of an industrialized suburb in Austria. This is where Julian, a lively 14-year-old, meets the misfit Marko, 16. One night, brimming with youthful enthusiasm, they break into the supermarket. The film is based on a true event.

  1. Stephan Richter

    Director, Writer

Top Billed Cast

  1. Jack Hofer


  2. Simon Morzé

    Simon Morzé


  3. Dominic Marcus Singer

    Dominic Marcus Singer

    Michael Zehetbauer

  4. Birgit Linauer

    Birgit Linauer

    Police Officer Birgit

  5. Andreas Lust

    Andreas Lust

    Police Officer Werner

  6. Markus Schleinzer

    Markus Schleinzer

    Joseph Winkler

  7. Christopher Schärf

    Christopher Schärf


  8. Rainer Wöss

    Rainer Wöss

    Police Officer Georg

Full Cast & Crew

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Original Title Einer von uns

Status Released

Original Language German

Budget -

Revenue -


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