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Hello Bangkok (1988)

PG 08/30/1988 (KW) Comedy 3h
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A social comedy play that shows what some young people do when traveling to some countries, where Saleh traveled with his owner - Bo Obaid to Bangkok, lying to his father Bousaleh on the pretext of searching for his son, but the son comes from London as soon as the father goes to the airport Bou Saleh and his grandson travel with the family of Sahib Saleh - Bou Obeid. Upon their arrival, the police in Bangkok arrest the grandson of Abu Saleh, why did the Bangkok police arrest the grandson of Bou Saleh? Is what Saleh said is true?

  1. Abdel Nasser Al-Zayer


  2. Abdelaziz Al-Musallam


Top Billed Cast

  1. Ibrahim Al-Sallal

    Ibrahim Al-Sallal

    بو صالح

  2. Abdelaziz Al-Nemash

    Abdelaziz Al-Nemash

    أم عبدالله

  3. Saleh Hamad

    Saleh Hamad

    أبو عبدالله

  4. Mohamed Al-Saree

    Mohamed Al-Saree


  5. Tariq Al-Ali

    Tariq Al-Ali

    المحامي خميس

  6. Khaled Al-Aqrouqa

    Khaled Al-Aqrouqa


  7. Abdelaziz Al-Musallam

    Abdelaziz Al-Musallam

    عبدالله (عبيد)

  8. Abdulla Al Ali

    Abdulla Al Ali


  9. Adel Al-Musallam

    Adel Al-Musallam

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Hello Bangkok
Hello Bangkok

Original Title هالو بانكوك

Status Released

Original Language Arabic

Budget $2,300,000.00

Revenue $6,000,000.00


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