#Hacked (2014)

11/17/2014 (US) Action 12m
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A gritty Sci-Fi chase film about two young women, unjustly accused of murder, who escape custody and begin posting video content online in an attempt to vindicate themselves of the crime, find the real killer and evade a secret FBI manhunt.

  1. Tim Baldini

    Director, Writer

Top Billed Cast

  1. Joe Burke

    Joe Burke

    Rickroll Patrol

  2. Shannon Hollander

    Shannon Hollander

    Audrey Tate

  3. Julianna Robinson

    Julianna Robinson

    Agent Helens

  4. Shelby Young

    Shelby Young

    Ryder Tate

  5. Max Trumpower

    Dr. Stephen Tate

Full Cast & Crew

Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue -


Content Score 


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