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Coyote and Bronca (1980)

B 07/13/1980 (MX) DramaCrimeMysteryComedy 1h 30m
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A tale of love, betrayal, and redemption.


A murder forces Juan "El Coyote" and Trinidad "La Bronca" to escape from a life of easy money and prostitution and become a real couple.

  1. Rafael Villaseñor Kuri


  2. Adolfo Torres Portillo


Top Billed Cast

  1. Vicente Fernández

    Vicente Fernández

    Juan Mireles / El Coyote

  2. Blanca Guerra

    Blanca Guerra

    María Trinidad / La Bronca

  3. Elizabeth Aguilar

    Elizabeth Aguilar


  4. Gloria Marín

    Gloria Marín

    Señora Marcia

  5. Angélica Vale

    Angélica Vale

    Amalia, niña

  6. Felipe Arriaga

    El cotija

Full Cast & Crew

Coyote and Bronca
Coyote and Bronca

Original Title El Coyote y la Bronca

Status Released

Original Language Spanish; Castilian

Budget -

Revenue -


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