Out of Whack (1979)
Rien ne va plus is a series of comedy sketches of disparate quality, on the social, cultural, and political foibles that make the French, French. Various settings and character types are given a once-over, including pseudo-intellectuals, punk bikers, right-wingers, and patrons of a low-end cafe.
Top Billed Cast
Henri Fisserman / Paul Flantier / Bouli / Dr. Delomien, ...
Jeffy / L'inspecteur Lujon / M. Poitronneau
Jenny Blanka / L'animatrice
Le conducteur au péage / Jacky / M. Alexandre
Le paysan / André Rativier / Le garçon de café / ...
L'infirmière / La jeune fille
Marcel Dupin / Passager métro effrayé

Original Title Rien ne va plus
Status Released
Original Language French
Budget -
Revenue -
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