Potiche (1983)

12/21/1983 (FR) Comedy 2h 16m
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Suzanne Pujol is the submissive wife of a rich industrialist who is as unpleasant with his family as with his workers. Following a strike in the company, Suzanne takes the place of her husband, who is disowned by his staff. She proves to be a woman of leadership and action, which provokes the anger of her husband and her former lover, a communist deputy...

  1. Pierre Barillet


  2. Jean-Pierre Grédy


  3. Dominique Giuliani


  4. Pierre Mondy


Top Billed Cast

  1. Jacqueline Maillan

    Jacqueline Maillan

    Suzanne Pujol

  2. Jacques Jouanneau

    Jacques Jouanneau

    Robert Pujol

  3. Pierre Maguelon

    Pierre Maguelon

    Maurice Babin

  4. Christian Defleur

    Didier Balestra

  5. Patricia Karim

    Patricia Karim


  6. Marie-France Mignal

    Marie-France Mignal


  7. Roland Oberlin


Full Cast & Crew

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Status Released

Original Language French

Budget -

Revenue -


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