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Microbe and Gasoline (2015)

15 10/04/2015 (US) Comedy 1h 43m
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Two young friends embark on a road trip across France in a vehicle they built themselves.

  1. Michel Gondry

    Director, Writer

Top Billed Cast

  1. Ange Dargent

    Ange Dargent

    Daniel Guéret, dit Microbe

  2. Théophile Baquet

    Théophile Baquet

    Théo Leloir, dit Gasoil

  3. Audrey Tautou

    Audrey Tautou

    Marie-Thérèse Guéret

  4. Sacha Bourdo

    Sacha Bourdo

    Le prof de russe

  5. Fabio Zenoni

    Fabio Zenoni

    M. Guéret

  6. Laurent Poitrenaux

    Laurent Poitrenaux

    Le dentiste

  7. Étienne Charry

    Étienne Charry

    L'organisateur du concours de dessin

  8. Marc Delarue

    Marc Delarue


  9. Diane Besnier

    Diane Besnier


  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Microbe and Gasoline
Microbe and Gasoline

Original Title Microbe et Gasoil

Status Released

Original Language French

Budget -

Revenue $63,802.00


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