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Disciples (2014)

18 09/12/2014 (US) Horror 1h 30m
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A dark twisted apocalyptic shocker about a group of humans and demons who must band together to fight for the fate of humanity. When an ancient prophecy unleashes an evil spirit, hell is brought upon the world.

  1. Joe Hollow

    Director, Writer

Top Billed Cast

  1. Tom Lodewyck

    The Priest / Asmodeus

  2. Tony Todd

    Tony Todd

    Duncan / Belial

  3. Linnea Quigley

    Linnea Quigley

    Raine / The Seraph

  4. Angus Scrimm

    Angus Scrimm

    Winston / Azazel

  5. Debra Lamb

    Debra Lamb

    Marishka / Astarte

  6. Brinke Stevens

    Brinke Stevens

    Tatiana / Agrat-Bat-Mahlat

  7. Barbara Magnolfi

    Barbara Magnolfi

    Serena Cuzzoni

  8. Chris Burchette

    The Father

  9. Bill Moseley

    Bill Moseley


  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

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Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue -


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