Dreamcatchers (2013)

12/29/2013 (BE) Documentary 1h 3m
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A group of trainee wrestlers spurred on by the energy of Salvatore Bellomo (age 60) trains relentlessly in the back room of a café in the Borinage district (former mining region in Belgium). Tarzan, the Gigolo, Andynamite, Priscilla, La Rage, Eddie Dark... they all dream of becoming professional wrestlers, like their teacher. Salvatore fought with top wrestlers for more than 30 years, particularly within the prestigious WWF. Today, he has decided to bring his students to the U.S to follow the traces of his past. Waiting for the big day, they live out their passion together, sometimes taking foolish risks to satisfy the local audience and lay out their future.

  1. Xavier Seron

    Director, Writer

  2. Cédric Bourgeois

    Director, Writer

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Status Released

Original Language French

Budget -

Revenue -


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