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The Devil's Playground (1976)

PG-13 10/01/1979 (US) Drama 1h 47m
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A powerful drama relating the intimate aspect of teenage boys and their priest/educators behind the walls of a religious institution where rigid discipline backfires natural feelings are deemed unnatural acts and human lives are controlled in the names of good intentions.

  1. Fred Schepisi

    Director, Writer

Top Billed Cast

  1. Arthur Dignam

    Arthur Dignam

    Brother Francine

  2. Nick Tate

    Nick Tate

    Brother Victor

  3. Simon Burke

    Simon Burke

    Tom Allen

  4. Charles McCallum

    Brother Sebastian

  5. John Frawley

    John Frawley

    Brother Celian

  6. John Diedrich

    John Diedrich


  7. Alan Cinis

    Alan Cinis


  8. Richard Morgan


  9. Rowan Currie


  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

The Devil's Playground
The Devil's Playground

Status Released

Original Language English

Budget $193,269.00

Revenue -


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