100 LiMiTE (1997)

01/01/1997 (CA) DocumentaryComedy 3h 48m
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From the imagination of René Gilbert, "100 limit" was the first TV program made by the comedy group called "Powder Blue." Initially composed of Pierre Brassard, Richard Z. Sirois, JiCi Lauzon, Dany Laferrière and Yvon Landry, this team was going to skim the news at the end of 1988 and remodel so hilarious at late night newscasts a 30-minute Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evening at a bulletin an hour Friday evening. The year two of this concept Dany Laferrière will leave the ship and new employees Tachereau Ghislain André Robitaille and Jacques Chevalier make their entrance and following the limited success of the first season, the show became a weekly which is presented every Friday evening. The show really takes off and quickly became a staple of humor Quebec waves. In 1991, TQS half sword budget and the issue ends up canceled. The company Distribution Select allows us to relive the great moments that have marked this show when the DVD "100 limit" appeared.

  1. Ghislain Taschereau


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Original Language French

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