Black Supaman (2007)

08/07/2007 (US) 1h 16m
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Every 'hood should have one!


Bernard Jr., a 30-year old who still lives at home with his father, is trying to avoid the negativity of the inner city. Bernard has dedicated his life to cleaning up his neighborhood and ridding it of crime, but has one small problem... he cannot stop smoking weed! Every time this vigilante indulges in his favorite pastime, he dons red tights, thinks he's invincible and refers to himself as Black Supaman. In this comedic caper, Bernard takes on an entire community with hopes of reclaiming the streets for all of the hard-working, up-standing citizens.

  1. Master P


  2. Britt O. Wynn


Top Billed Cast

  1. Master P

    Master P

    Bernard / Black Supaman

  2. Tony Cox

    Tony Cox


  3. Romeo



  4. Michael Blackson

    Michael Blackson


  5. Chris Kennedy


  6. Reynaldo Rey

    Reynaldo Rey


  7. Claudia Jordan

    Claudia Jordan

    Laura Lane

  8. Ce Ce McCowen


  9. George Perez

    George Perez


  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Black Supaman

Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue -


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