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Linda Lovelace for President (1975)

R 03/01/1975 (US) Comedy 1h 35m
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See her RAZZLE the elephant, DAZZLE the donkey.


An intentionally campy film designed to capitalize on Linda Lovelace's sudden fame following "Deep Throat", this film centers around Linda's fictional grass roots campaign to run for president. Touring the country with a rag-tag team of strange and wacky people, hilarity supposedly ensues at every stop.

  1. Claudio Guzmán


  2. Jack Margolis


Top Billed Cast

  1. Linda Lovelace

    Linda Lovelace

    Linda Lovelace

  2. Fuddle Bagley

    Abdul Ali Umagooma

  3. Val Bisoglio

    Val Bisoglio

    Rev. Billy Easter

  4. Jack DeLeon

    Capt. Neldor

  5. Micky Dolenz

    Micky Dolenz

    Lt. Fenwick

  6. Joey Forman

    Joey Forman

    Chow Ming

  7. Danny Goldman

    Danny Goldman

    Bruce Whippoorwill

  8. Garry Goodrow

    Garry Goodrow

    Adolph Von Luftwafter

  9. Roberta Kent

    Jack Henderson

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

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Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue -


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