Song of Freedom (1995)

12/01/1995 (BD) DocumentaryWar 1h 15m
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This historic film, completed in 1995 by filmmaking duo Tareque Masud and Catherine Masud tells the true story of a troupe of singers traveling through the refugee camps and zones of war during the Bangladesh Liberation War in 1971. The film blends documentary and fictional genres in a musical structure to tell the story of the birth of a nation and the ideals of secularism and tolerance on which it was founded. The filmmakers combined footage of the cultural troupe and their activities, shot by American filmmaker Lear Levin in 1971, with historic footage collected from archives around the world, to create “Muktir Gaan” (Song of Freedom).

  1. Tareque Masud


  2. Catherine Masud


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Song of Freedom
Song of Freedom

Original Title Muktir Gaan

Status Released

Original Language Bengali

Budget -

Revenue -


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