A Beautiful Belly (2011)

04/16/2011 (US) Drama
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When aspiring children's entertainer Jason gets his long-time crush Danny pregnant on their first date, the two choose to make a life together as husband and wife. As the prospect of fatherhood looms, Jason begins to realize the toll it may take on his career and turns his attention toward one last pursuit of his dreams before the baby arrives. Feeling ignored, Danny begins to question whether their fledgling marriage can survive. The two soon find themselves attracted to other people. Jason meets an intern at a local cable station who wants to develop a children's show utilizing his talents, and Danny meets a pregnancy photographer who goes out of his way to encourage her confidence. As these new friendships begin to hint at the possibility of romance, Jason and Danny must decide whether they will risk the future of their family for the indulgence of a moment's pleasure.

  1. Andrew Kenneth Gay

    Director, Writer

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A Beautiful Belly
A Beautiful Belly

Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue -


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