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Disruption: Climate. Change. (2014)

07-09-2014 (US) Documentário 52m
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‘When it comes to climate change, why do we do so little when we know so much?’ Through a relentless investigation to find the answer, Disruption takes an unflinching look at the devastating consequences of our inaction. The exploration lays bare the terrifying science, the shattered political process, the unrelenting industry special interests and the civic stasis that have brought us to this social, moral and ecological crossroads.The film also takes us behind-the-scenes of the efforts to organize the largest climate rally in the history of the planet during the UN world climate summit.

  1. Kelly Nyks


  2. Jared Scott


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Nenhum vídeo, imagem de fundo ou póster foi adicionado ao "Disruption: Climate. Change.".

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Idioma Original Inglês

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Bilheteira -


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Ainda precisa de um pouco de trabalho.

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