The Jester's Supper (1942)

02/10/1942 (IT) RomanceDrama 1h 27m
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In Florence, at the time of Lorenzo de Medici, known also as Lorenzo the Magnificent, the aristocrat brothers Chiaramantesi rule with an iron fist the streets of the city. Ruthless and fierce, the two brothers have chosen as their special victim the innocent and harmless Giannetto. Even though determined to not react to the cruel pranks of the brothers, Giannetto is forced to take a stand when Ginevra, a beautiful girl that works in the Chiaramantesi household, is dragged into the game. To defend his honor and protect the girl, Giannetto works out a fiendish plot that will end in blood and madness.

  1. Alessandro Blasetti

    Director, Screenplay

  2. Renato Castellani


  3. Sem Benelli


Top Billed Cast

  1. Amedeo Nazzari

    Amedeo Nazzari

    Neri Chiaramontesi

  2. Osvaldo Valenti

    Osvaldo Valenti

    Giannetto Malespini

  3. Clara Calamai

    Clara Calamai


  4. Valentina Cortese

    Valentina Cortese


  5. Elisa Cegani

    Elisa Cegani


  6. Luisa Ferida

    Luisa Ferida


  7. Alfredo Varelli

    Alfredo Varelli

    Gabriello Chiaramantesi

  8. Memo Benassi

    Il Tornaquinci

  9. Piero Carnabuci


  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

The Jester's Supper
The Jester's Supper

Original Title La cena delle beffe

Status Released

Original Language Italian

Budget -

Revenue -


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