Als geheilt entlassen (1960)

02/02/1960 (DE) Comedy 1h 26m
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  1. Géza von Cziffra

    Director, Screenplay

Top Billed Cast

  1. Wolfgang Neuss

    Wolfgang Neuss


  2. Wolfgang Müller

    Wolfgang Müller

    'Kippe' (Josef)

  3. Wera Frydtberg

    Wera Frydtberg

    Helga Martens

  4. Günther Schramm

    Günther Schramm

    Erich Martens

  5. Loni Heuser

    Loni Heuser

    Mutter Holubek

  6. Rudolf Platte

    Rudolf Platte

    Dr. Wernicke

  7. Edith Hancke

    Edith Hancke


  8. Tilla Durieux

    Tilla Durieux

    Annettchen Köhler

  9. Inge Meysel

    Inge Meysel


  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

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Status Released

Original Language German

Budget -

Revenue -


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