Grüne Hochzeit (1989)

12 05/26/1989 (DE) RomanceDrama 1h 39m
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Susanne (17) and Robert (18) want to get married, but because Susanne is still under-aged, she needs parental permission. With twin babies and tight finances, the newlyweds soon feel overwhelmed, and dealing with everything makes them forget the love that originally brought them together.

  1. Herrmann Zschoche


  2. Christa Kožik


Top Billed Cast

  1. Anja Kling

    Anja Kling


  2. Marc Lubosch


  3. Heike Krone


  4. Horst-Alexander Hardt


  5. Ursula Werner

    Ursula Werner

    Susannes Mutter

  6. Christel Bodenstein

    Christel Bodenstein

    Susannes frühere Chefin

  7. Gerit Kling

    Gerit Kling


  8. Ute Lubosch

    Ute Lubosch

    Roberts Mutter

  9. Heide Kipp

    Heide Kipp


  10. View More

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Status Released

Original Language German

Budget -

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