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I Won't Come Back (2014)

16+ 09/20/2014 (US) Drama 1h 50m
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Anya, a young academic raised in an orphanage, is on the cusp of success when she’s accused of drug possession. While in limbo hiding from the police, she hits the road with Kristina, another orphan several years Anya’s junior, in search of her possibly mythical grandmother.

  1. Ilmar Raag


  2. Yaroslava Pulinovich


Top Billed Cast

  1. Polina Pushkaruk

    Polina Pushkaruk


  2. Vika Lobacheva


  3. Andrey Astrakhantsev

    Andrey Astrakhantsev

    Andrey Lyutsius

  4. Olga Belinskaya

    Olga Belinskaya

    Natalia Ivanovna

  5. Galina Mochalova

    Galina Mochalova

    Kristina's Grandmother

  6. Yuriy Orlov


  7. Nataliya Sizova

    Pregnant Girl

  8. Sergey Yatsenyuk

    Sergey Yatsenyuk

    Dima Morozov

  9. Alla Emintseva

    Alla Emintseva


  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

I Won't Come Back
I Won't Come Back

Original Title Я не вернусь

Status Released

Original Language Russian

Budget -

Revenue -


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