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A Private's Affair (1959)

NR 08/14/1959 (US) ComedyMusic 1h 33m
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They'll never get their good conduct medals this way!


Luigi, Jerry, and Mike are in boot camp when they are presented with a chance to represent their unit in competition on a national television show. The three guys are up to the challenge, which begins a chain of unusual circumstances that not only have them singing and dancing at the proper times, but also running into a trio of alluring young women.

  1. Raoul Walsh


  2. Winston Miller


  3. Ray Livingston Murphy


Top Billed Cast

  1. Sal Mineo

    Sal Mineo

    Luigi J. Maresi

  2. Christine Carère

    Christine Carère


  3. Barry Coe

    Barry Coe

    Jerry Morgan

  4. Barbara Eden

    Barbara Eden

    Sgt. Katie Mulligan

  5. Gary Crosby

    Gary Crosby

    Mike Conroy

  6. Terry Moore

    Terry Moore

    Louise Wright

  7. Jim Backus

    Jim Backus

    Jim Gordon

  8. Jessie Royce Landis

    Jessie Royce Landis

    Elizabeth T. Chapman

  9. Robert Burton

    Robert Burton

    Gen. Charles E. Hargrave

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

A Private's Affair
A Private's Affair

Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue -


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