Le Destin de Juliette (1983)

10/01/1983 (US) Drama 1h 49m
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Juliette is a young woman who has grown up on a farm that is now under economic siege. In order to save her farm and her family, Juliette is forced into a marriage of convenience with Marcel , a morose and laconic railway worker whom she does not even know. Now that her own life is permanently changed, her sacrifice does not ultimately help her family and with that sorrow added to her lonely existence, she is trapped into remaining married because of social pressures and soon enough, the birth of a child. There must surely be a way out for her at some point, but when and how that will happen seems completely up to fate alone.

  1. Aline Issermann

    Director, Writer

  2. Michel Dufresne


Top Billed Cast

  1. Laure Duthilleul

    Laure Duthilleul


  2. Richard Bohringer

    Richard Bohringer


  3. Véronique Silver

    Véronique Silver

    Renée, mother

  4. Pierre Forget

    Pierre Forget

    Ferdinand, father

  5. Didier Agostini

    Etienne, brother

  6. Hippolyte Girardot

    Hippolyte Girardot


  7. Michel Dufresne

    Man from the stairs

  8. Camille Cotte

    Véronique young girl

Full Cast & Crew

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Status Released

Original Language French

Budget -

Revenue -


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