Marie of the Isles (1960)

01/15/1960 (FR) RomanceAdventure 1h 40m
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In 1635, Jacques du Parquet, the nephew of the well known explorer Belain d'Esnambic, enters a tavern in Dieppe, and falls in love with the daughter of the bartender, Marie Bonnard. He knows his noble family would disapprove such a marriage; besides, he is nominated for the post of governor in Martinica. He promised never to forget Marie, but as time goes by, she will accept to marry a rich and unscrupulous man, Monsieur de Saint-André. When her husband is appointed to serve in Martinica as General Commissioner, Marie demands to go with him. At her arrival, all sorts of trouble arrive: pirates take action against travelers and goods, rotten deals set the two officers against each other, and finally jealousy settles to make things worse. ~ Written by Artemis-9

  1. Georges Combret

    Director, Writer

  2. Robert Gaillard


  3. Pierre Maudru


Top Billed Cast

  1. Belinda Lee

    Belinda Lee

    Marie Bonnard

  2. Alain Saury

    Alain Saury

    Jacques du Parquet

  3. Darío Moreno

    Darío Moreno

    Desmarais, the traitor

  4. Magali Noël

    Magali Noël


  5. Folco Lulli

    Folco Lulli

    Captain Le Fort

  6. Jacques Castelot

    Jacques Castelot

    Comte Cheneau de Saint-André

  7. Noël Roquevert

    Noël Roquevert

    Baracuda, the Pirate

  8. Philippe Hersent

    Philippe Hersent


  9. Jean Clarieux

    Jean Clarieux

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

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Original Title Marie des Isles

Status Released

Original Language French

Budget -

Revenue -


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