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A Farewell to Fools (2013)

12 03/15/2013 (RO) ComedyDramaWar 1h 25m
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Set during World War II, somewhere in Eastern Europe. A German soldier is found dead near the village. The local authorities must find the culprit, or they will be all shot by the Nazis the morning after. There's no way to find the guilty one, but there's Ipu, the madman of the village, whom they promise a hero's funeral if he will claims responsibility and agrees to die in their place. He must decide, and time is running out.

  1. Bogdan Dumitrescu


  2. Titus Popovici


  3. Anusavan Salamanian


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A Farewell to Fools
A Farewell to Fools

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Original Language English

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